For Writers

Books on screenwriting:

A sample of some of the best screenwriting books I’ve read.

The Writer’s Journey, Chris Vogler

Raindance Writer’s Lab: Write + Sell the Hot Screenplay, Elliott Grove

Writing Screenplays That Sell, Michael Hague

Story, Robert McKee

Books on Fiction Writing 

Self-Editing For Fiction Writers, Rennie Browne and Dave King

The Elements of Style, Strunk and White

Useful links for writers:

John August’s blog on screenwriting:

US Copyright Office. For all things copyright-y:

Variety magazine. For all things Variet-y!

Bloody Disgusting. For horror news and reviews.

The Lovecraft E-zine. For all things HP Lovercrat-y!

Drew’s script-o-rama! For a huge selection of screenplays.

Hmm. What do these links say about me (other than I can’t be bothered listing any more links)?